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Glass Balustrades, fabric barriers and planters

Designed to specifically meet the functional and aesthetic needs of commercial environments, our range of balustrades, barriers and planters are perfect for outdoor seating, smoking areas, and for alfresco dining.

Central Awnings professional site survey team can attend your premises; measure, assess and offer advice you on your Balustrade requirements.

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Metal tubular railings with toughened glass panels really help to protect alfresco diners from the wind. They look wonderful and passers by can see the food and beverages, people are consuming from your business.

The glass screen partitions need to be sign written with an image or decals to ensure customer do not trip or walk in to the toughened glass. Vinyl decals are normally allied to the balustrades with company logo's, patterns or advertising. Decals can be etch effect or in colour.

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Cafe barriers are great for both indoors and outdoors, and suitably weighted bases will be recommended to accommodate your cafe banners, street banners or ropes. The high polished chrome finish is standard but these could be powered coated to your company’s requirements if requested.

All of our large wooden planters are manufactured bespoke for our customers. This allows you to design exactly what you require for your premises, and the right size for the available space. Planters can be made with or without coaster wheels, allowing the planter boxes to be moved easily when required.

Many businesses like to brand their large wooden planters with a company logos or crests. This is also achievable, mainly the wooden planks will be CNC routed, and then infilled with paint to display the design.

Central Awnings Midlands Ltd
Unit 27, The Business Centre, 20 James Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, B11 2BA (UK)
Phone: 0121 448 7797
Email: ObscureMyEmail

© 2024 Central Awnings Midlands Ltd